Original condition finished 1966 Type3 Variant. California import dry body based Variant , new paint and assemble use all new rubbers, window trim molding stainless body & locker molding, especially NOS VW Blue fender beading. For the interiors, installed new headliner, new door panels new seat cover and new carpet for all original style. Re Chrome Bumper front & rear. We loaded a 1600cc engine which we rebuilt, 32PDS twin carburetor and covert to 12V Electric system so you can drive anywhere. .
Ready to drive with really nice to finished Squareback.
1966 Type3 Variant
Volkswagen Type3 variant
L633 VW Blue
Completely new paint & original style new interior. 1600cc rebuilt engine Squareback.
Please contact Eddy at 714 231-4772 to set up your personal meeting with
this beauty, or if you have an questions. You will not be disappointed.
Front & Rear |
(NEW Original style) (NEW Original style) (NEW Original style) |